MyMaverick offers a range of services, including customized deliverables, speaking engagements, and MyMaverick, a health technology policy subscription service.
Retainer Clients
Maverick offers long-term retainers for clients with ongoing business needs, providing a range of flexible services and deliverables. Clients can inquire about regulatory changes as they occur, meet directly with Maverick’s experts to discuss strategy, and request customized deliverables.
Speaking Engagements
Maverick’s founder, Julie Barnes, is available for speaking engagements. Bringing her experience as a health care attorney, Capitol Hill staffer, and policy program director, Ms. Barnes is a dynamic speaker on multiple health policy issues and market trends.
MyMaverick Subscription Service
Maverick also offers a subscription service to get busy professionals up to speed on health technology policy. MyMaverick’s range of offerings provide analysis at multiple levels of depth, ensuring all users learn as much or as little as they need.
MyMaverick is a subscription service that provides access to analysis and news across the health technology policy landscape. We tell you what is happening, why it matters, and how to adapt your strategy in as much (or as little) detail as you need.
MyMaverick includes the following products:
- Database of materials explaining select topics
- Curated newsletters
- Interactive timelines
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